IGBT RECTIFIER Beta power make IGBT Rectifiers are designed to meet industrial application requirements. An insulated –Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) uses relatively high frequency switching and pulse width modulation (PWM) technology for voltage and current regulation whilst a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) uses relatively low frequency switching and phase shift technology. Beta power make IGBT based Rectifiers are smaller in size and lighter in weight, more energy efficient and more cost effective compared to SCR & Rolling contact type Technology” APPLICATION FIELD The IGBT Rectifier is used for Plating, Anodizing, Electro polishing, Electrolysis, Electro winning, Electro Refining, Cathode Electro Deposition (C.E.D. Coating), Tinning, Electronic Cleaning, Pickling, Surface Coloring, Cathode Protection. HEATING Inductive Heating D.C. Heating Single Phase AC Heating WATER TREATMENT Waste Water Treatment Sea Water Treatme PROTECTION FEATURES Overheat Output over voltage / under voltage Output over current Output short circuit Cooling water pressure (Single Phase Protection)